Winterizing a tennis court for the cold season is vital. Attention must be given to windscreens, which are joined with the fence system on your court. The cold season brings heavy winds that might not simply harm your windscreens but can also cause damage to framing and fence fabric. Windscreens must be taken out in fall months as a safety measure.
What’s more, tennis nets must be lowered to reduce net tension. Some players prefer playing on those winter days in which the net can be raised quite effortlessly. Another alternative will be to bring the net down fully and keep it inside. This aids the durability of the net and lowers recurrent replacement. Let us talk more about how to care your tennis court in winter.
Easy winter care and maintenance tips for your tennis court
- Fixing the holes and cracks
It is better to fix the holes, cracks, or issues on your tennis court surface. Snow and ice will worsen the issue, leading to cracks to enlarge and grow into even poorer and pricier marks.
With a bit of TLC, your tennis court would remain stunning and purposeful for years. Winter maintenance ortennis court resurfacing must be a regular part of caring for your court. Hence, it is the ideal plan for a weekend afternoon.
- Cleaning the leaves and remains from the surface
Clean the filth, branches, leaves, and other remains from the surface of your court. If you fail to execute that, it might cause blemishes, mildew, and moss, which can obstruct your tennis court’s artistic and structural quality.
- Check the stains before the arrival of the cold season
Falls season is the right occasion to tackle any stains on the tennis court surface. Take a soft brush, cleaning solution and softly rub the stain. Avoid aggressive power washers and utilize a garden pipe as an alternative. Choose the right experts for tennis court resurfacing.
- Get rid of the standing water on the surface
Ensure that you get rid of puddles, so they don’t become a house for filth, leaves, and remains. You can use “water brooms” that are perfect for tennis courts. In an ideal world, you never want a puddle on your court during the cold months. Ice melts and cracks and could cause a mess with your tennis court. Seek the top-rated tennis court contractors in the town to repair cracks or other tennis court issues.