Running: 5 Tips To Start Running!

Starting to run is a simpler mission than you might think! Just follow the tips we’ve prepared for you. It’s an extra challenge for those who already practice physical exercises; after all, it’s a different effort from what you’re used to. Want to go from walking to running? So, read the valuable information below.

  1. First, Try It!

The first step to start running is to try. No more putting up obstacles like: “I don’t have my running shoes,” “I don’t have sunglasses or a visor for running,” I don’t have this or that. I’ll let you know; no one starts as a runner. Details improve as time goes by and the frequency of workouts is established. So, put on your favorite skirt shorts, put on some comfortable sneakers, and go jogging in a quiet place.

  1. Start With Flat Places

Our second tip is to train in flat places; after all, it is the most relaxed level for those just starting. If on hikes, the steep places are already difficult, imagine trying to run in them?! I felt free to try, but we’ve already advanced that the 30-minute training ends up lasting only 2 minutes because of fatigue. So, leave it for the moment your body is already strengthened!

  1. Intersperse Walking With Running

Here, we recommend running while walking. It’s not a complete workout, like running one whole workout and walking the other – not that. The best is to merge the two so that the performance increases over time.

A very good suggestion is to walk for 15 minutes to warm up your body. And then start the real training: run for 5 minutes and walk for another 2 minutes – this 2 minute is useful to recover and get back to running. This relay between running and walking is essential that it happens 5 times, totaling 50 minutes of training. When you get to the third rep, you’ll remember us as it’s very effective for those who are just starting to run!

  1. Don’t Worry About Time

We mentioned earlier that the workout is, on average, 50 minutes long, but that’s not exactly what we want to point out. When we say not to worry about time, it’s your running! The initial goal is 5 minutes, but no problem if you don’t hit it the first time! Physical conditioning comes with time, so persistence in training is always essential to improve. If you can’t run for 5 minutes, run 3. Oh, is it still hard? So, slow down one more time.