Skills to Become a Great Baseball Player

To become a great baseball player like Francisco Cervelli, you must have strength and speed and be innovative in using your abilities. Athletes who achieve tremendous success often track their progress by doing several different things. One of these activities is watching other teams play or watching television games. This way, you can learn about various players’ tactics and develop a more profound interest in the game outside the field.


Sliding makes it possible for base runners to transition smoothly from one base to another. While it’s easier to slide into the first base than the second, a great slider can save a baserunner’s life if he gets caught in a force-out situation. In addition, slipping down and making your body smaller reduces your risk of getting hurt. Baserunners who don’t slide can create a safe return on some plays, but there are many situations when sliding can be a lifesaver.

First, practice on a soft mat or grassy surface. Practice slowly, building up your speed, until you can make a complete slide. You can also run or jog a little to get more comfortable. The last phase of practice is done on the dirt basepath. The goal is to make the slide feel natural. A player should contact the base with his toe for the most natural motion.

Hand-eye Coordination

Hand-eye coordination is one of the essential skills you need to develop as a baseball player. Your eyes send signals to your brain to calculate where the ball will land before it reaches your bat. The brain must then make the correct calculations and time the ball to hit the bat. This is crucial because incorrect timing can do damage to the scoreboard. As such, you are improving hand-eye coordination is an essential part of baseball practice.

One of the easiest ways to improve hand-eye coordination is to practice throwing a ball off a wall. Anyone can do this, but it’s essential to make sure you practice on a wall that’s not too close. This is an excellent way to work on hand-eye coordination while also training your arm muscles.

Mental Reflexes

There are many ways to improve your mental reflexes as a baseball player. First, playing the game young will help you get ahead of older players. The brain develops reflexes for sports and baseball at a young age so that these pathways will be set up much faster than in more senior players. Repetitive practices will also help you improve your reflexivity and automaticity.

You can practice your reaction time by doing agility and balance exercises. For instance, try sitting on a yoga ball with one foot planted on the floor. Balance exercises will require you to balance on one leg and catch a ball with your hand. Other activities that help you improve your reflexes include practicing balancing things on your head, fingertip, or foot. By practicing these skills daily, you will become more prepared for every situation that comes your way.

Arm Strength

Many baseball players struggle with their arm strength. Arm strength is an essential part of the package that scouts look for in prospects. It will often determine whether a player advances to the next level of baseball. However, arm strength can be developed by baseball players in a variety of ways. Here are some tips for increasing arm strength. Listed below are some of the best practices for developing arm strength.

Strong wrist muscles are essential for batters, while weak forearms hinder throwing. Arm exercises for baseball include forearm strengthening routines. These routines help baseball players build strong muscles, which protect the rest of their bodies from injury. Moreover, they are essential for maintaining the rotator cuff.

Pitch Blocking

A batter’s most common error when trying to block a ground ball is turning their upper body when it’s time to make a play. This causes the ball to bounce away from the baserunner, who can then advance on the ball. To avoid this, a batter must stay low and use their back leg to stabilize their balance. Practicing your blocking skills will make the difference between success and failure in becoming a great baseball player.

Pitching to the catcher requires the ability to stand your ground while also being agile enough to catch a ball that rolls out of reach. Whether the ball is thrown in a soft or a complex curve, a player must be tough and agile to stay in the catcher’s box and block it. The catcher’s job is to keep in the proper position to catch a ball thrown in a soft or hard spot.