What Do You Teach Your Kids About Bicycle Safety?

Cycling is an excellent way for children to get exercise while also learning how to maintain their bicycles. There are many ways for kids to stay healthy when riding their bikes and keep them in good working order. Check to see if your child’s bike and helmet are the best fit. . Your child’s first bike should have a bell and reflectors at least.

Things you should teach to your kids while riding a bicycle 

Every parent should take a major responsibility to give complete protection to their kids while they are playing outside. Parents need to teach the basic rules and regulations followed by the country. It will help the kid gain more knowledge, and they will have some awareness among society.

Wear a helmet 

During an accident, a helmet will shield your child’s head and, in many cases, avoid serious injury and death. Finding a helmet that fits properly can be difficult and time-consuming. Helmets should be snugly fitting, cover the entire head, and remain in place while the child is moving. Nowadays children bicycle come with a helmet which can give great protection for your child.

Check the brakes 

Bike brakes fade over time and become less reliable. Perform a visual inspection of the brakes before your child gets on his bike to ensure that all of the components are present. When the handlebar levers are squeezed, a brake pad should make contact with the disc brakes. If all seems to be in order, have your child walk his or her bike while squeezing the brake levers to ensure they are operating with wheel movement. If your child’s brakes are less sensitive than normal, have them changed and tested by a specialist.

Inflate the tires 

You allow your kids to check the tires, which is one of the important factors driving the cycle. You should also teach your kids to note down the cycle stands while driving that may cause severe injury. Tires should have a firm feel to them and no holes that allow air to escape. As your child rides her bike, listen for a hissing sound. This means that the tyre has a hole or slit in it that must be fixed or replaced before riding. If there are no holes but the tyres sound flat, fill them with air with a pump until they are firm again.

Level the seat  

Riding a bike with a properly fitted seat makes for a more comfortable and secure ride. If your child’s bike needs backpedalling for braking, they must be able to reach the pedals easily. Shift one pedal all the way down, so your child’s leg is extended while his feet are on the pedals. The bike seat is too high and needs to be lowered if your child can’t reach the pedal stroke’s bottom. You’ll need to re-adjust the seat as your child grows older. Any time your child gets on his bike, ask him about his comfort.

The bottom line 

You should give proper education to your child about bicycle riding. You need to teach the above tips to your kid, helping them have a safe ride.